General medicine

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

A 24 year old male patient, from Srirampuram, presented to the opd with chief complaints of fever since 15 days which subsided on medication, cough & body pains.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then he had yellowish discolouration of eyes for which he took herbal medication.

6 months back he again developed yellowish discolouration of eyes & was told red cells were less & administered Iron injections weekly once.

At present, patient had fever, cough.

H/o hemoptysis, Hematemesis.

H/o recent blood transfusion.

History of past illness:

The patient was not a known case of hypertension,diabetes mellitus,bronchial asthma,epilepsy & tuberculosis.No history of any surgeries.

Patient had delyed walking & delayed talking.

Personal history:

Mixed diet

Bowel & bladder - normal

Sleep- adequate 

Family history:

No history of similar complaints in the family members.

General Examination:

The patient is conscious,coherant and cooperative.He is well oriented to time,place and person.


No Icterus   

No Cyanosis

No Clubbing

No Lymphadenopathy 

Temperature - 36.1 °C

Pulse rate - 92/min

Respiration Rate - 16/min

Blood pressure- 100/60

SpO2 - 98%

Systemic examination:

CVS : S1 S2 +

Respiratory system: BAE +

Abdomen- scaphoid, no tenderness.

CNS- Conscious,Speech normal.

Provisional diagnosis- viral pyrexia with thrombocytopenia with anemia.

Investigations :


Hb - 5.7 gm/dl

TLC - 4400 cells/cumm

PCV -17.4 vol%

RBC - 1.9 million/cumm

Platelet count - 1.20 lakh/cumm

Smear - Microcytic,Hypochromic Anemia with thrombocytopenia.

Complete Urine Examination:


Albumin - nil

Sugars -nil

Malarial parasite - negative.



TPR Chart:

Ultrasound Report :

Liver Function Test:

Total Bilurubin - 2.09 mg/dl

Direct bilurubin -0.41 mg/dl

AST -30 IU/L

ALT -10 IU/L

Alkaline phosphate -112 IU/L

Total Proteins -6.1 gm/dl

Albumin -3.4 gm/dl

A/G ratio - 1.30

Renal Function Tests 

Serum Creatinine-1.1 mg/dl

Blood urea - 27 mg/dl

LDH - 554

Serum electrolytes :

Sodium - 138 mEq/L

Potassium - 3.9 mEq/L

Chloride- 101 mEq/L

Questions :

Will there be any complications with use of herbal medication?


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